Story Line Construction – what are the classic steps?
Question by Chaco-Yekke Downyonder: Story Line Construction – what are the classic steps?
When making a movie or writing a novel, there are obviously proven ways to give it a sound structure. There’s got to be a kind of “template” for it somewhere, as I once read there are only 16 different types of plot templates in use in Hollywood, and they’re being recycled over and over, because they simply work so well. But what are they, and where can I find out more about them? I want to teach myself how to write well for commercial purposes (scripts, plays, novels).
Best answer:
Answer by Eri T
I’d suggest looking on an information database for articles about film theory. JSTOR, LexusNexus, Proquest, Academic Search Premier for starters. You can normally access them at college libraries. Perhaps the local library near you. Each genre has a certain template to some extent- film noir, slasher, romantic comedy, melodrama. And yes, Hollywood has some standard templates. Check out some of Michael Bay’s work. There are some basic rules to screen play writing like- don’t introduce random characters that do not add to the plot. Other than that, I’m not sure. Also! has tons of info.
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