Superman stood for truth, justice, and the American way. The movie now says “And all that stuff” Mad about it?
Question by jensenjoe: Superman stood for truth, justice, and the American way. The movie now says “And all that stuff” Mad about it?
What is going on here? Superman was an still is an American idea, a message all Americans were proud to hear and see. With the old Superman TV series, we would see Superman standing proudly next to a waving American flag. Now they have taken that away from us as well? It must be for making money, to make a movie for other markets in the whole world. Who could the movie industry be afraid of offending? This is nuts, North Korea isn’t afraid of offending the US, why are they so afraid? This country was always proud to say made in America, tell me the last time you found something that says that? I know that I”m mad as hell about it, and if you think that all proud Americans should feel the same way, we need to write letters to the Editor of your local newspaper, and maybe think about going to see another movie. Someone is trying to send Ameicans a message, Americans need to send a message right back, and that is we are mad as hell, and were not going to take it anymore, and mean it.
Some of you have said “It’s just a Movie” but you are missing the point. Proud Americans are proud of everything this counrty used to hold, and one of you said “sad but that’s the way it is”. If you are proud Americans where is your pride if you can take it that easy? I think only people from other countries would have that attudude, where it didn’t make any difference to them, but to a proud American it certainly would.
This bothered some proud Americans I know, (But then again they are older Americans) if you are one, let’s hear from you!
Best answer:
Answer by rabbithellfoxheaven
just a movie….why take it serious..i know what you mean……its sad that a major….”disaster” has to happen for alll the american people to show their american pride…waving their falgs on their car….remember that?..geez…i hate to see what happenes if you saw the movie “saw 2” if you took that serious…hmmm
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