
Is the book ‘On the Road’ any good?and if so how do you feel about them making it into a movie?

Question by Jonny: Is the book ‘On the Road’ any good?and if so how do you feel about them making it into a movie? I have wanted to read this book ever since I saw the 2007 Russell Brand… Continue reading

how come this will not go into windows movie maker?

Question by TheNardCake: how come this will not go into windows movie maker? Well i finally figured out how to get my ipod camera videos to my computer (nano 5th gen.). So now i have a whole seperate file… Continue reading

Putting itunes music into windows movie maker?

by allyzally

Question by Serhat Tas: Putting itunes music into windows movie maker? I like to put some itunes music into movie maker. This is a song that wouldn’t have any copyright issues, but I own a windows 7… Continue reading

Q&A: If the book Deception Point was turned into a movie who would be the actors?

Question by kx6593: If the book Deception Point was turned into a movie who would be the actors? I think this book would make a great movie with the right actors. Who do you think would do great for… Continue reading

Are they going to make all the twilight books into movies?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by Monica: Are they going to make all the twilight books into movies? I love the twilight books and I am currently reading breaking dawn I love it, but other people don’t seem to) and… Continue reading

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