
Why does a video I import into sony vegas movie studio– with a avi format– not work?

by coconut wireless

Question by Frizzle: Why does a video I import into sony vegas movie studio– with a avi format– not work? It will import but it is really blurry.. is there anything i can do to make… Continue reading

The Host was a good book, they SHOULD make it into a movie?

Question by Twilighter_Bella: The Host was a good book, they SHOULD make it into a movie? all they have to do with melanie inside the head is do a voice over. Easy. The movie would be a good seller,… Continue reading

If you could pick a book you’ve read to make into a movie, which one would you choose?

Question by Isabelle: If you could pick a book you’ve read to make into a movie, which one would you choose? Is there a book you’ve read and you think it would make a good movie?

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

how do i change my MOV file into something that works on movie maker?

Question by arasretep: how do i change my MOV file into something that works on movie maker? ok this is the scenario: i filmed my assignment on a KODAK camera, (Kodak EasyShare M853 to be more specific) and when… Continue reading

Q&A: If there is one book you could make into a movie what would it be?

Question by Before The Flood: If there is one book you could make into a movie what would it be? Obviously it should be one that hasnt already been made into a movie, but if you cant think of… Continue reading

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