Q&A: What would be a good way to get into movie making?
Question by Locke: What would be a good way to get into movie making? Ive always wanted to make movies and have written parts of scripts, but i dont know how to get into it as an actual career… Continue reading
Q&A: How can you make a .mp4 into a .avi without loosing its quality?
Question by Kate: How can you make a .mp4 into a .avi without loosing its quality? I’m loosing my mac laptop that we use at school, and I used to make my videos on iMovie. Now that I’m done… Continue reading
how to I get into Super 8 film making?
Question by James B: how to I get into Super 8 film making? I’ve made a few movies on my canon gl2 camera for my church and we’re planning another one. I use adobe cs5 production premium. The next… Continue reading
Turn Your WordPress Blog into an Online Shop or Affiliate Store with ShopperPress
Visit sp.premiumpress.us to find out more about this fantastic WordPress e-commerce theme. Overview The ShopperPress theme, unlike many other ecommerce premium WordPress themes on the market, offers it’s users a wide range of fantastic options. Most notably, you can use… Continue reading
are they making the game tekkan into a movie?
Question by whateva: are they making the game tekkan into a movie? if they are when does it come out
Best answer:
Answer by ThEy caLL mE CoOL iN My sChOoLi wish that they do… Continue reading