Which other software can make images of dvd movies into my pc then burn them other than alcohol 120%?
Question by Anita J: Which other software can make images of dvd movies into my pc then burn them other than alcohol 120%? Alcohol is very nice but it is not free. I do not have any cash. My… Continue reading
will New Moon and Eclipse be combined into one movie? ?
Question by MrIan: will New Moon and Eclipse be combined into one movie? ? I was just wondering about that, because the second one is mostly about how sad Bella is after Edward leaves her. So… Continue reading
how to make a book into a movie?
Question by Veronica Criswell: how to make a book into a movie? i’ve read a couple books that i really like and was wondering if there was a specific person i needed to contact to create the… Continue reading
Poll: What book should they make into a movie?
Question by Stifler™: Poll: What book should they make into a movie?
Best answer:
Answer by ♥ĞŵəИ [Sh*t Happens]♥The Hunger Games.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Q&A: if you could make any book into a movie which would it be?
Question by )xEbOnY xGliTTeRx(: if you could make any book into a movie which would it be? i say invisible monsters by chuck palinuck(sp) it’s freakin funny.
please don’t be stupid and put harry potter or twilight… Continue reading