
Q&A: its new moon gonna be make into a movie?

by HannaPritchett

Question by *seventeen forever*: its new moon gonna be make into a movie? its new moon (2nd book from the twilight saga) going to be make into a movie cause, i really hope they do because it… Continue reading

Are they going to make The short second life of bree Tanner into a movie?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by CS: Are they going to make The short second life of bree Tanner into a movie? It might be too short to turn into a movie all by itself. my guess is they will… Continue reading

how do i get into the movie extras business ??

Question by FranKKKen: how do i get into the movie extras business ?? I know that you can be like a movie extra and just be ppl in the back of the scenes and like make good money and… Continue reading

What is the old kids movie where the kids follow their dog into a coloring book?

by MarketCommon

Question by Mari B: What is the old kids movie where the kids follow their dog into a coloring book? In the coloring book land there are groups of colors and none of them like each other,… Continue reading

How to get YouTube videos into iMovie?

by Roads Less Traveled Photography

Question by Katherine: How to get YouTube videos into iMovie? Hello! I have a video I’m making in movie and I need to get some YouTube clips into movie. I’ve tried downloading Real Player,… Continue reading

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