Q&A: I need all smart people! How to make a movie!?
Question by Bob: I need all smart people! How to make a movie!? I like making movies on Microsoft Movie maker, but I can’t get any videos on it to put in my movies…can you help… Continue reading
Q&A: why are the 99%ers people hating on the 1% wealthy people?
Question by Phlox Skye: why are the 99%ers people hating on the 1% wealthy people? Most of those wealthy people don’t create jobs. Magic Johnson only own a theatre and some restaurants… Some celebrities try to own… Continue reading
In the movies where the people in the movie do drug, what are the actors acutally doing?
Question by Chi: In the movies where the people in the movie do drug, what are the actors acutally doing? In movies with chris evans in it, some of the movies that he does, they do drugs and snort… Continue reading
Why do people keep seeing the twilight movies?
Question by Nova Kane: Why do people keep seeing the twilight movies? Their ratings are extremely low on imbd and rotten tomato. Everyone of the movies have bad ratings, yet people keep seeing the movies… Continue reading
Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates?
Question by sonicfunctionalist: Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates? A song is 99 cents and programs can cost 1,000’s of dollars yet I haven’t heard of anyone going… Continue reading