People who read the novel Maximum Ride: The angel Experiment by James Paterson?
Question by Loving: People who read the novel Maximum Ride: The angel Experiment by James Paterson? I need some idea on making a movie poster for the book,( and it has to be drawn) I will be graded on… Continue reading
Helllllllllp! computer people!?
Question by when dinosours roamed the earth: Helllllllllp! computer people!? i am not very nifty with the computer. just the basics. i need to download this quicktime MP3 to my computer. i just wanna throw it on… Continue reading
Why is it ok to have people kill nazis in movies?
Question by Brazil Ape Man: Why is it ok to have people kill nazis in movies? I don’t understand why all the world’s society is all about killing Nazis. If I were to show a bunch of Nazis butchering… Continue reading
Who think that the people who make books into movies should do a better job at it?
Question by Kimiko: Who think that the people who make books into movies should do a better job at it? they so need to read the book more carefully and pick better cast. The Lighting Thief is the worse… Continue reading