Q&A: Do you think they are going to make movies of the whole twilight series?
Question by Iluvyou: Do you think they are going to make movies of the whole twilight series? that would be awesome
Best answer:
Answer by Longislekidthe are hoping that it takes off like the harry… Continue reading
Q&A: Can someone make a short summary of the first Twilight movie please?
Question by : Can someone make a short summary of the first Twilight movie please? I always hear how bad Twilight is and to be honest I’ve only watched the first one a few years ago with a friend and… Continue reading
Twilight the movie from a Christian standpoint?
Question by 😀 PeAcE
Twilight the movie, readers thoughts?
Question by : Twilight the movie, readers thoughts? Ok so I have read the books. And they are amazing. The are my favorite and in my personal opinion they are the best! Is anyone else disapointed that there making a… Continue reading
the 2nd twilight movie?
Question by 1T’5 D4N13ll3, DUD3!!!!