
Is there going to be a movie for all of the Twilight Books?

by lism.

Question by Lissa: Is there going to be a movie for all of the Twilight Books? someone told me that they weren’t going to make a movie for Breaking Dawn. I don’t know why they wouldn’t, or… Continue reading

Paramore – Decode Acoustic on Rooftop Twilight

Paramore – Decode Acoustic on a Rooftop All rights reserved to Paramore/Channel 4. No Copyright Infringement Intended. Great quality and great song. Click here to watch Dragon Age: Warden’s Fall – Episode 1 (Epic New Original Machinima Series!) There… Continue reading

why did stephenie meyer decide to make a movie out of twilight?

Question by livid_liana: why did stephenie meyer decide to make a movie out of twilight? THIS IS IMPORTANT THIS IS FOR A ESSAY! PLEASE HELP =] THANKX

Best answer:

Answer by CareySince the books are so popular, producers… Continue reading

NYC Comic Con 2008 – Twilight

They snuck in a sneak peak of Twilight before a security guard surprised me with his flashlight. Swear to god. Had no idea I coudn’t record. Whatevs. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Twilight Fanatics is there a new movie?

by NASA Goddard Photo and Video

Question by The walls that bring you down: Twilight Fanatics is there a new movie? Is New Moon movie in the making? or not? I’ve been hearing different things.

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Answer by… Continue reading

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