Who would be your first choice to play Frank Sinatra in the upcoming movie about his life?
Question by yayfriday: Who would be your first choice to play Frank Sinatra in the upcoming movie about his life? They’re making a movie about him, and Martin Scorsese is directing. So of course he wants to get Leonardo… Continue reading
Q&A: What about New Moon becoming a movie?
Question by blue*jay: What about New Moon becoming a movie? i read something that said something about making the 2nd book in the twilight saga- new moon- becoming a movie sometime sort of soon. anybody know details??
Best answer:… Continue reading
I’m thinking about making a small movie?
Question by Muffins: I’m thinking about making a small movie? I want to create a short internet movie for fun. But I want some tips on how to make it look really good, and what the general price of… Continue reading
Lastest Movie About Making A Movie News
I dream about movies they won’t make of me when I’m dead Image by melodramababs (Title from Bon Jovi’s Bed of Roses)
Big Ten Football: A Detailed Analysis of 2011 Big Ten Conference Play 2010 marked the 115th season in… Continue reading
Lastest Movie About Making A Movie News
IGN Nintendo Mailbag 03.25.11 Sounds like you guys are digging the resurrected IGN Nintendo mailbag. That’s good since I enjoy doing it! Just one thing though tell your friends. Tell other MyIGN users. I want this column to be successful,… Continue reading