People with knowledge about Dr/Patient ethics?
Question by Polythene Pam: People with knowledge about Dr/Patient ethics? Here’s the scenario. A friend of mine has severe ADD to the point where she cannot even drive when not on medication. She also gets severely depressed… Continue reading
Parents… How do you feel about…?
Question by proudmatriarch: Parents… How do you feel about…? letting your children 10 and under, watch scary movies? If you let them watch( with you, I hope) do you discuss with them what they have seen and explain to… Continue reading
i know almost nothing about wrighting programing scripts like for gaming but i want to start?
Question by Ma Dy: i know almost nothing about wrighting programing scripts like for gaming but i want to start? and i was wondering if i were to learn as many computer langueges as possible what ones… Continue reading
Q&A: What is the movie about a man who makes ppl join his cult by making them think he is a prophet from God?
Question by Alysia: What is the movie about a man who makes ppl join his cult by making them think he is a prophet from God? I saw this movie a long time ago and I cannot remember what… Continue reading