Q&A: Movie about a father who makes his kids help him murder “bad people”?
Question by caught in the rain: Movie about a father who makes his kids help him murder “bad people”? I thought the father was played by Kurt Russell, but when I look up his film history, no… Continue reading
Lavish series about Kennedys is History
Lavish series about Kennedys is History The History Channel will not air a controversial miniseries it produced about the Kennedy family, saying the multimillion-dollar project that had become the network’s most expensive on record did not fit the “History brand”.… Continue reading
Worried about a friend, and potential pain pill addiction?
Question by Lynn: Worried about a friend, and potential pain pill addiction? I have a friend who has been showing classic signs of abusing prescription narcotics. Her and I used to be very close, we lost touch… Continue reading
How would you go about getting a job making soundtracks for movies?
Question by AJ: How would you go about getting a job making soundtracks for movies?
Best answer:
Answer by RobStep 1- Become a conductor/ composer Step 2- Be freaking good Step 3- Make sure you play… Continue reading
Lastest Movie About Making A Movie News
Blurring the Line Between Fiction and Documentary In a very real sense the ultimate New York movie, Lionel Rogosin’s On the Bowery (1957) is cinema-as-bog-body, living history captured with such fortune and care that there’s no sign of decay after… Continue reading