
the bible script about possession..?

Question by 〤: the bible script about possession..? Christians do not have wealth (or do not require it)

In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus tells his followers to give up on possessions:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,… Continue reading

The movie Grease, about 15 min in Frenchie makes a hand gesture?

Question by student: The movie Grease, about 15 min in Frenchie makes a hand gesture? What does that mean?!?! It was after some random girl flipped up Sandy’s skirt and Frenchie waved her hand at the girl and I’m… Continue reading

which magazine is the best to know about hollywood movies?

Question by Vickneshwaren S: which magazine is the best to know about hollywood movies? im looking for a extremely good magazine on movies in hollywood.

that covers celebrity gossip, upcoming movies, in the making, soundtrack and others.

Best answer:… Continue reading

help me about making loop animation from a movie clip.?

Question by Freddie F: help me about making loop animation from a movie clip.? can some help me how can i make a an animation cut from a movie or mpeg file clip… like this http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n132/fred070/kiss.gif

thanx for helping… Continue reading

Stephenie Meyer Talks About Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer discusses her novels: Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Song Now Available on iTunes! Search James@War Gotta Subscribe That! Gotta Rate That (5)! Gotta Comment That! Gotta Favorite That! Gotta Share That! Uh, anymore… Continue reading

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