‘He was worried about his showbiz career’: Ugly Betty actor who hacked his mother to death had money woes
‘He was worried about his showbiz career’: Ugly Betty actor who hacked his mother to death had money woes Friends of New York actor Michael Brea who is accused killing his mother with a 3ft sword say they believe money… Continue reading
Q&A: What the hell is this Google Analytics that wants to run scripts on just about every website?
Question by Poink: What the hell is this Google Analytics that wants to run scripts on just about every website? How come it sometimes has the power to block text boxes? Sounds like an invasive waste of… Continue reading
What episode did Peter Griffin make a joke about the movie ‘Contact’ on Family Guy?
Question by Zack S: What episode did Peter Griffin make a joke about the movie ‘Contact’ on Family Guy? the question is self-explanatory ^ ty in advance =]
Best answer:
Answer by ericbryce2Actually it was Stewie on “Family… Continue reading
Would anyone be interested in helping me make an independent movie about the ancient Greek athletic games?
Question by Lowell P: Would anyone be interested in helping me make an independent movie about the ancient Greek athletic games? I wrote the book CYLENA OF THE STADIUM GAMES, the revised edition of which will be available in… Continue reading
EXCLUSIVE: Lin-Manuel Miranda Talks About Taking ‘In the Heights’ to Puerto Rico
EXCLUSIVE: Lin-Manuel Miranda Talks About Taking ‘In the Heights’ to Puerto Rico Lin-Manuel Miranda will jump into the tour of In the Heights for a week in Puerto Rico, the home of his forebears. As his character in the hit… Continue reading