
What do you think about me?

Question by Janric: What do you think about me? Hi, I’m Janric. I’m 19 years old, and I kinda don’t like the idea of growing up, because then I’d have people telling me it’s weird and immature to eat… Continue reading

whats the movie about kids at a detention center?

Question by zac: whats the movie about kids at a detention center? whats the movie with a bunch of kids in a detention center and they deside to make the kids play foot ball so they can learn to… Continue reading

What is that movie called about the boy with the disfigured face?

by tango.mceffrie

Question by Linsey!: What is that movie called about the boy with the disfigured face? his face is really distortd and the parents bring him to a camp for blind people so nobody can make fun of… Continue reading

Q&A: I work at a finance company, about 50 hrs/week. When can I ever find time to direct a movie (my true passion)?

by labanex

Question by aceventuradude: I work at a finance company, about 50 hrs/week. When can I ever find time to direct a movie (my true passion)? I’m an independent movie maker. I want to film a movie I… Continue reading

Does anyone know of any songs about war from the 60’s and 70’s ?

by Al_HikesAZ

Question by Gretchen: Does anyone know of any songs about war from the 60’s and 70’s ? I am making a movie for my History class about the Revolutionary War. I need some songs for the soundtrack.… Continue reading

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