
what should i call my movie about abrahman linclon?

by tmc – design haus

Question by Tree Hugger: what should i call my movie about abrahman linclon? i have to make a movie poster about abraham linclon and the civil war. it can be about his election, debates… Continue reading

Me and my friends are hoping to make a home movie about Jack The Ripper but we don’t know how the story goes?

by Charlie Perez

Question by James: Me and my friends are hoping to make a home movie about Jack The Ripper but we don’t know how the story goes? Could someone please give me a link to all I… Continue reading

Q&A: What’s a good title for this story/movie I’m thinking about making?

by tonyhall

Question by noтн!ngнeяe: What’s a good title for this story/movie I’m thinking about making? It’s about a sixteen year old boy who runs away from home and begins driving down a mountain road. When he almost gets… Continue reading

What is the muslim community doing about this?

by BottleLeaf

Question by Ty M: What is the muslim community doing about this? I am not Jewish or Muslim. My attitude if somebody is muslim, hindu or even jewish, would be “so what, that’s what he is. so… Continue reading

I need some ideas to make my science project presentation about the atomic bomb interesting to my class mates?

by Old Shoe Woman

Question by E=mc2: I need some ideas to make my science project presentation about the atomic bomb interesting to my class mates? We get graded on the “WOW factor” as my teacher calls it on… Continue reading

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