Question about making movies and how to go about making one?
Question by Welcome to my world, the world of Red Bull: Question about making movies and how to go about making one? ok so i asked a question a little while ago and people told me to get started… Continue reading
Question by Liz: NEED SONGS ABOUT BEST FRIENDS AND SISTERS!!! =D? I make movie slideshows and now i am doing one of my soccer team. We have played on the same team since first grade and… Continue reading
help me about making loop animation from a movie clip.?
Question by Freddie F: help me about making loop animation from a movie clip.? can some help me how can i make a an animation cut from a movie or mpeg file clip… like this
thanx for helping… Continue reading
Does anyone know how to go about getting movie rights, so I can show the movie and make a profit from it?
Question by juda222000: Does anyone know how to go about getting movie rights, so I can show the movie and make a profit from it? To add on to my business, I would like to show family movies inexpensively,… Continue reading
Q&A: Some questions about movies?
Question by darkriku12: Some questions about movies? I have these questions about movie making (BIGGER THAN WMM OR YOUTUBE):
1. What font is usually used in movie posters and covers?
2. At the end of trailers, there is this… Continue reading