
Two New Actors Fight for the Girl in ‘Red Riding Hood’

You won’t believe… Image by doneastwest I don’t have photos of me and Grampa Swimelar in Norfolk, and he wasn’t usually there. But he maybe got a furlough because of Gramma’s death. He took me on many walks to visit… Continue reading

Does anyone know how theater actors memorize their scripts?

Question by Martita Sahaguan: Does anyone know how theater actors memorize their scripts? I have problems with memorization and stage fright and I would take a course that help me solve these problems

Best answer:

Answer by Slightly Dark… Continue reading

Do actors always read their scripts like this?

by Kmeron

Question by xXallieXx: Do actors always read their scripts like this? Some movies have the actors sit at a table and read the script together. Does this happen often? It may be mainly for tv shows. bt… Continue reading

Angela Carella: Actor’s road from West Side to Old West

Angela Carella: Actor’s road from West Side to Old West In the 1930s and ’40s, Ralph Vitti was among the boys, sons of Italian immigrants, who ran along the sidewalks and streets and in the small yards of his working-class… Continue reading

How do actors study/memorize scripts?

Question by Tony R: How do actors study/memorize scripts? I’m talking film/tv actors, not theater actors.

Do they study for each scene individually? Or do they memorize the whole thing?

And what are some methods to memorizing the script?… Continue reading

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