
do you prefer adult movies over magazines?

Question by Mr. Wiseguy: do you prefer adult movies over magazines? I’ve noticed magazines don’t do it for me anymore. is that strange? what would make a magazine better?

Best answer:

Answer by 80’s ROCK BABEMagazines..

Give your… Continue reading

Adult Joke?

Question by ╚╬╬╩╣: Adult Joke? 101 Things Not To Say During Sex 1. But everybody looks funny naked!

2. You woke me up for that?

3. Did I mention the video camera?

4. Do you smell something burning?

5.… Continue reading

Should I continue to watch adult movies with my girlfriend?

by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer

Question by Super Jay: Should I continue to watch adult movies with my girlfriend? She admitted that she had never seen an adult movie before. The first DVD we watched I… Continue reading

Sims 2 MAN BABY – adult acting like baby (funny glitch)

My grown sim acting like a baby. Loll sorry it’s so stupid, it was just some weird glitch that occurred while I was making a sims video. It’s kinda cute in way haha, except when he throws up over her… Continue reading

What movie title would make the perfect adult film?

Question by The good old days: What movie title would make the perfect adult film? Star this question please =)

Best answer:

Answer by BillLawrence of a Labia

What do you think? Answer below!

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