7:05 [Season 1;Ep 1] Forever & Always
(Music is AudioSwapped) Looking back on this story, all I can really say is thank you guys so much. Without the wonderful comments and constant support, none of this would’ve been possible. Thank you for making my dreams come true.… Continue reading
It could always be much worse…Pushing the envelope of game violence.
It could always be much worse…Pushing the envelope of game violence. Gaming has come a long way.from the early days of Pong, to the demon levels of Doom. It seems games have become more grown up as time went… Continue reading
WHO else is tired to see americans be the good GUYS ALWAYS in 101% of movies??
Question by Daywalker29: WHO else is tired to see americans be the good GUYS ALWAYS in 101% of movies?? mean hollywood has no shame??trashy movies like rocky 4,all rambos,armagedon,damn man too many to name!all the time americans… Continue reading
Danny Elfman: ‘I always saw myself as an alien as a child’
Danny Elfman: ‘I always saw myself as an alien as a child’ Elfman recently sat down with Hero Complex to discuss in detail how the “The Danny Elfman & Tim Burton 25th Anniversary Music Box” came together. Read more on… Continue reading
It’s Always Sunny Recap: Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats
It’s Always Sunny Recap: Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats Image Credit: FX You know, we’d like to make you feel special with this recap today. We think you deserve it. Well, that and a new rat stick. So, that’s… Continue reading