What is a good program for making short animated comics movies?
Question by 1980 something: What is a good program for making short animated comics movies? Wanting something kind of easy to start out with, but with the capability to do advanced functions as I progress. The… Continue reading
Q&A: Do you know any websites where you can create your own animated characters make a world, or a movie FOR FREE?
Question by flowergirl: Do you know any websites where you can create your own animated characters make a world, or a movie FOR FREE?
Best answer:
Answer by Davidtry runescape.com
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Do you know any websites where you can create your own animated characters make a world, or a movie FOR FREE?
Question by flowergirl: Do you know any websites where you can create your own animated characters make a world, or a movie FOR FREE?
Best answer:
Answer by shi_yasashikui don’t know but i’ll ask around ok
What do you think? Answer below!
Q&A: How do you create sound effects to an animated movie, do you need a special software to do that?
Question by Jordan: How do you create sound effects to an animated movie, do you need a special software to do that? I wanted to know how do you add sound effects to an animated movie. For example, the… Continue reading