How to make animation with microsoft powerpoint and windows movie maker 2.6?
Question by ☮Pe@ce_G0nE_Cr@Z!☮: How to make animation with microsoft powerpoint and windows movie maker 2.6? I did it a long time ago, but forgot how to do it
Best answer:
Answer by Jo Kelly1. To make… Continue reading
Q&A: Is there any way I can make animation movies just using with my computer and just my voice?
Question by Under: Is there any way I can make animation movies just using with my computer and just my voice?
Best answer:
Answer by RKBy putting “just using with my computer” do you mean no… Continue reading
If I make an animation on Flash CS5, how can I import it to Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Chooka: If I make an animation on Flash CS5, how can I import it to Windows Movie Maker? I want to make an animation on Flash CS5 which won’t last very long. Once done, how can I… Continue reading
Any ideas for a stop motion animation movie?
Question by Maddy: Any ideas for a stop motion animation movie? I need to make a one minute stop motion animation for my class. Nothing too complicated, though a story… Continue reading
Q&A: whats are some professional animation softwares/programs?
Question by Z. Windsor: whats are some professional animation softwares/programs? I need to find some professional animation softwares to make wolves. Kind of like the ones in the movie New Moon. I am experienced in computer graphics and have… Continue reading