Does anyone know if they are making the Breaking Dawn movie from the Twilight Saga?? 10 pts best answer!!?
Question by xxkatie.m: Does anyone know if they are making the Breaking Dawn movie from the Twilight Saga?? 10 pts best answer!!? They have made Twilight, and are working on New Moon and Eclipse which already have release dates,… Continue reading
Question’s Reserved for Classic Alan Ladd’ Movie Buffs to Answer; Please! Connecting Vincent’s Son’s Namesake!
Question by moonscope: Question’s Reserved for Classic Alan Ladd’ Movie Buffs to Answer; Please! Connecting Vincent’s Son’s Namesake! The movie Shane inferred an emotional Triad, and aired around the time Shane was born.
Vince was on the road, announcing… Continue reading
which laptop is better for gaming? 10 points for the best answer?
Question by Brooklynkid14: which laptop is better for gaming? 10 points for the best answer? which is better for gaming? Sony $ 650
* Intel® Core™2 Duo mobile processor T6600 Features 2 processing cores, 800MHz frontside bus,… Continue reading
Making a short movie? 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER?
Question by Alicee;: Making a short movie? 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER? i want to make a short movie, and i want it to be quite weird almost like garden state little miss sunshine half nelson etc… Continue reading
Making a movie – need title? (10 points best answer)?
Question by Danny K: Making a movie – need title? (10 points best answer)? the movie is about a girl who has a multiple personality disorder, and it strengthens as time passes. Her mother commits suicide a… Continue reading