should i even answer his stupid fu*kin phone calls? do i even have the right to be mad right now?

Question by Sexy Momma: should i even answer his stupid fu*kin phone calls? do i even have the right to be mad right now? ohh myy gosh idk wht to do!! me and my ex broke up like…4 months… Continue reading

Q&A: should i even answer his stupid fu*kin phone calls? do i even have the right to be mad right now?

by The Norwegian

Question by Sexy Momma: should i even answer his stupid fu*kin phone calls? do i even have the right to be mad right now? ohh myy gosh idk wht to do!! me and my ex broke… Continue reading

Q&A: should i even answer his stupid bullsh1t phone calls?

Question by Sexy Momma: should i even answer his stupid bullsh1t phone calls? ohh myy gosh idk wht to do!! me and my ex broke up like…4 months ago b.c he was a straight up jerk! so i broke… Continue reading

EPIC MOVIE?titles in the movies that they make funnier!?pls!best answer get my 10?

by madmolecule

Question by zooey: EPIC MOVIE?titles in the movies that they make funnier!?pls!best answer get my 10?

Best answer:

Answer by The CountessDo you mean what movies do they make fun of?

Let’s see:

Narnia X-Men Snakes… Continue reading

What’s the title of this movie?10 points to right answer!?

by tango.mceffrie

Question by oh.my15: What’s the title of this movie?10 points to right answer!? The movie takes place during WWI.In the movie a family of 3 is placed in different parts of the concentration camp.The mother is sent… Continue reading

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