
Q&A: found old movie scripts,magazines,books,coins how do i find out if their worth anything?

by saamiblog

Question by Granny L: found old movie scripts,magazines,books,coins how do i find out if their worth anything? magazines such as elvis 10th anniversary people1987 10yr elvis movie scripts such as tightrope pictures such ray charels it is… Continue reading

Does anyone know anything about antique violins/fiddles?

Question by Tokosuki: Does anyone know anything about antique violins/fiddles? I have what I think is an antique violin (or a fiddle) that I’m thinking about selling. The only problem is that I cannot find any information about the… Continue reading

where can i find tv programs like operah scripts and anything they say in that?

Question by david: where can i find tv programs like operah scripts and anything they say in that? i need a website that i can get whatever they say,something like text,script,screenplay or whatever you call.

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Q&A: Does anyone know anything about the Green Day movie?

Question by greenday11494: Does anyone know anything about the Green Day movie? I read in a magazine that Green Day is making a movie out of ‘American Idiot’ and I was wondering if you have heard any new updates… Continue reading

I have an audition for an independent movie! Do you know anything about acting?

Question by just julie: I have an audition for an independent movie! Do you know anything about acting? I have never acted in something, since high school and I am very excited about the opportunity. It is a short… Continue reading

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