
I heard a rumour about the movie Wall-e being a marketing tool for Apple?

Question by Athena on Acid: I heard a rumour about the movie Wall-e being a marketing tool for Apple? Is this true? Doesn’t that company make you sick?

Best answer:

Answer by I’m better than youI don’t know… Continue reading

Who has an apple tv? Do you use it for home movies?

Question by Jen: Who has an apple tv? Do you use it for home movies? I love making home movies of my kids and want a better way to access them rather than burning dozens of DVDs. Does anyone… Continue reading

How To Make Your Videos Look More Professional – Like Apple Does! Ever wonder how Apple create those amazing videos for their products? Those videos where they have that nice white as snow background and crystal clear quality image? Having videos like that displaying your products or simply just advertising your… Continue reading

Tablet deathmatch: Apple iPad 2 vs. Motorola Xoom

PhotonQ-Bicentennial Man Image by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE Andrew Martin: May one, sir? Is now a good time? ‘Ma’am’ Martin: What? A good time for what? Andrew Martin: Last night, Sir taught… Sir: No, no, no, don’t blame me Andrew. Just… go ahead.… Continue reading

Apple Digital AV Adapter

Apple Digital AV Adapter For iPad 2 owners, the Apple Digital AV Adapter is worth the $ 40—but other iOS device owners can probably skip this accessory. Read more on PC Magazine

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