
Q&A: ideas for an apple pie commercial?

by Steve Millar / Arahan Claveau

Question by Chantel: ideas for an apple pie commercial? hi. i was wondering if anyone could help me on this. my math class began a project on business advertising and selling products. my… Continue reading

Making Apple 1984 Macintosh Commercial Ridley Scott Inteview

An interview with Director Ridley Scott about preparing and filming the Apple Macintosh ‘1984’ commercial.

iXtreamer media player debuts for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (with video)

iXtreamer media player debuts for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (with video) Xtreamer has announced the new iXtreamer media player for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch… Read more on MacDailyNews

The Beatles on iTunes: I want to hold… Continue reading

Movie reviews with Apple and Orion

Movie reviews with Apple and Orion By: Cathy Gao and Martin Kim The trailer of ‘Fair Game’ takes the best parts of the movie and puts them together. During the movie, each scene from the preview stands out. By this,… Continue reading

Beatles Music Now Sold On Apple iTunes

Beatles Music Now Sold On Apple iTunes The Beatles are finally coming to the Internet. Apple Inc. said its iTunes service will sell music from the Fab Four. The Beatles have so far been the most prominent holdout from iTunes… Continue reading

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