Q&A: are they making a movie based on the sims?
Question by ♫ραяαϻοяε♫: are they making a movie based on the sims? i read it on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sims_2 and found it here: http://www.infinitesims.com/features/press/186-press-release-centre/1162-sims-movie-and-tv-series-announced.html
and apperantly they are making a tv series out of MySims?!?!?!
Best answer:
Answer by sh00t… Continue reading
Q&A: Is it true they’re making a live action movie based on this cartoon?
Question by Danny: Is it true they’re making a live action movie based on this cartoon? Somebody on Facebook kept posing up many blogs. His profile got deleted a few days ago, but he keeps saying they are going… Continue reading
Why is it so hard to make a movie based on a video game?
Question by Steven: Why is it so hard to make a movie based on a video game? Take Bioshock, Dead Space, Halo, etc for instance. There have been some movies based on video games that came out… Continue reading
Why hasn’t any film company contacted Stephen King about making a movie based on The Stand?
Question by Patriots All Day: Why hasn’t any film company contacted Stephen King about making a movie based on The Stand? The Stand is an epic end of the world novel and would make an excellent… Continue reading
Is it true they are making a movie based on the game of Zelda?
Question by Charlie Bravo: Is it true they are making a movie based on the game of Zelda?
Best answer:
Answer by QeleryI don’t think so.
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