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Transforming an historic landmark Image by Unhindered by Talent Morris is lucky to have a wonderful art deco movie theatre from the 1940’s that is still a single screen first run theatre. It went up for sale this summer, and… Continue reading

How can I become a movie trailer maker?

Question by Lacey: How can I become a movie trailer maker? The person who makes the movie previews; are they called movie trailer producers? Is there a difference between the person that actually creates the preview and a person… Continue reading

I’ve always wanted to become an actor, But at times I’m scared!!! Please Help!!?

by renowiggum

Question by clay: I’ve always wanted to become an actor, But at times I’m scared!!! Please Help!!? Hi, I’m 22 years old and I’ve always wanted to become a great actor all my life since I was… Continue reading

How difficult is it to become a professional movie extra?

Question by drew lansing: How difficult is it to become a professional movie extra? I would like to get regular jobs as a movie extra…How difficult is it to get regular work, and could I make a living by… Continue reading

OSHO: I Dreamt I Had Become a Butterfly

Ever asked yourself, “Who am I?” Ever wondered who is doing the asking? Osho introduces us to a classic story related to the Chinese mystic Chuang Tzu on this eternal question. “I never get tired of Chuang Tzu because his… Continue reading

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