how much money should you save up if you want to go to L.A. to become a movie cameraman.?
Question by The B Man: how much money should you save up if you want to go to L.A. to become a movie cameraman.? I know it will take about 5 years to get established in… Continue reading
How do I become a movie extra?
Question by weathe52: How do I become a movie extra? I live in the NY area so it would seem that it would be easy to find work as a movie extra, but I have NO… Continue reading
Q&A: how do you become a backround actor/ movie extra?
Question by ☺tay☺: how do you become a backround actor/ movie extra? I’ve been searching the internment and I cant find websites so how do you become a back round actor? like those actors in the… Continue reading
How do I find either a playwright or someone to help me become a playwright?
Question by grebned: How do I find either a playwright or someone to help me become a playwright? I have an interesting idea that I think would make a good stage play, and maybe even later a movie. But,… Continue reading
how to become a movie extra: houston texas?
Question by samantha: how to become a movie extra: houston texas? Im am trying to find jobs to be a movie extra in houston texas. i have searched, and found many but their phone number all start with 1-800.… Continue reading