Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates?
Question by sonicfunctionalist: Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates? A song is 99 cents and programs can cost 1,000’s of dollars yet I haven’t heard of anyone going… Continue reading
Does anyone know an acting studio where you learn to act and go on to being famous in New York City?
Question by : Does anyone know an acting studio where you learn to act and go on to being famous in New York City? I recently watched Orphan and since Isabelle (Esther/Leena) is my age she inspired… Continue reading
Is Breakfast at Tiffany’s about courage and being an independent women and following your dreams?
Question by tennis12795: Is Breakfast at Tiffany’s about courage and being an independent women and following your dreams? I have seen the movie and I plan on reading the book. I have to write a paper on it and… Continue reading
Has being PC ruined the making of all classic movies?
Question by Mike A: Has being PC ruined the making of all classic movies? So, I’m watching “A Christmas Story”. I think it’s one of the funniest and best movies ever. I love the way my entire… Continue reading