
Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates?

by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE

Question by sonicfunctionalist: Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates? A song is 99 cents and programs can cost 1,000’s of dollars yet I haven’t heard of anyone going… Continue reading

Does anyone know an acting studio where you learn to act and go on to being famous in New York City?

by Joming Lau

Question by : Does anyone know an acting studio where you learn to act and go on to being famous in New York City? I recently watched Orphan and since Isabelle (Esther/Leena) is my age she inspired… Continue reading

Does she like me back, is she trying to get to know me before making a decision or is she just being a friend?

by Chris Devers

Question by Luis: Does she like me back, is she trying to get to know me before making a decision or is she just being a friend? OK, there’s this girl i like and we’ve been… Continue reading

Is Breakfast at Tiffany’s about courage and being an independent women and following your dreams?

Question by tennis12795: Is Breakfast at Tiffany’s about courage and being an independent women and following your dreams? I have seen the movie and I plan on reading the book. I have to write a paper on it and… Continue reading

Has being PC ruined the making of all classic movies?

by DennisSylvesterHurd

Question by Mike A: Has being PC ruined the making of all classic movies? So, I’m watching “A Christmas Story”. I think it’s one of the funniest and best movies ever. I love the way my entire… Continue reading

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