
Better Decision Making: Outlining an effective decision process Decision making involves strong critical thinking and a good decision process. Dr. Paul Schoemaker describes a decision process ideal for personal and business decision making.

Decision Making Video Rating: 5 / 5

Which software is free, better, and easier to use when making music for a movie?

by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)

Question by Jordan: Which software is free, better, and easier to use when making music for a movie? I wanted to know which software would be free, easier, and better to use when… Continue reading

I want a mac for my birthday whats better for movie making & music? iMac or MacBook? ?

Question by desiree: I want a mac for my birthday whats better for movie making & music? iMac or MacBook? ? i know an iMac has more space and is bigger but then again i can move the MacBook… Continue reading

What is better for making movies Sony Vegas pro or movie studio?

by coconut wireless

Question by M@: What is better for making movies Sony Vegas pro or movie studio? I know ones called movie studio but what is really better between the two and no other program suggestions.

Best answer:… Continue reading

Movie night made better — see it in 3 dimensions

Movie night made better — see it in 3 dimensions Did you find yourself traveling north to the Capital District or all the way down to Poughkeepsie to see a showing of “Avatar,” “Alice in Wonderland” or “Toy Story 3”… Continue reading

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