What are the main differences between the movie Troy(2004) and the epic The Illiad?
Question by me yo: What are the main differences between the movie Troy(2004) and the epic The Illiad? What are the main differences between the movie Troy(2004) and the epic The Illiad. Or The movie and what really happened?… Continue reading
AVATAR in theatres: What’s the difference between watching a movie in IMAX 3D or Digital 3D?
Question by Zee: AVATAR in theatres: What’s the difference between watching a movie in IMAX 3D or Digital 3D? If you’ve seen it both ways, did you notice a difference? is there one you’d recommend over the… Continue reading
Q&A: What is the difference between Sony Vegas movie studio 9 and Sony Vegas Pro 9?
Question by nightlyspell: What is the difference between Sony Vegas movie studio 9 and Sony Vegas Pro 9? Can anyone tell me what the difference is, anyone who’s tried them or just knows about them? I don’t… Continue reading
80 Years Later: Parallels Between 1929 and 2009 | Walter Block
Presented by Walter Block at “The Great Depression: What We Can Learn From It Today,” the Mises Circle in Colorado; sponsored by Limited Government Forum of Colorado Springs and hosted by the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Recorded Saturday, 4 April… Continue reading