Is Tamora Pierce even considering letting them make a movie out of the Beka Cooper books?
Question by zmn: Is Tamora Pierce even considering letting them make a movie out of the Beka Cooper books? I really like them, and she said some where that the main reason she couldn’t make movies… Continue reading
Q&A: Is Erin Hunter making a movie or a game or is she just making more books?
Question by Skylord106: Is Erin Hunter making a movie or a game or is she just making more books? Warriors
Best answer:
Answer by Kitty (K.M.L)There are games on her website, and I believe that there are a… Continue reading
Is there going to be a movie for all of the Twilight Books?
Question by Lissa: Is there going to be a movie for all of the Twilight Books? someone told me that they weren’t going to make a movie for Breaking Dawn. I don’t know why they wouldn’t, or… Continue reading
What are some books that you think would make good movies?
Question by ☆ bለiረΣվ jፀշծለռ ☆: What are some books that you think would make good movies? Or books that you want to be made into movies.
I think the On the Run series by Gordan Korman… Continue reading
How much do writers whos books become movies make?
Question by chris: How much do writers whos books become movies make? What is a % or an estimate of how much they make if the movie grosses around $ 200,000,000 worldwide
Best answer:
Answer by Goldfish… Continue reading