Q&A: Are they going to make all of the Twilight books into a movie? (New Moon and Eclipse and Breaking Dawn)?
Question by Caitlin V: Are they going to make all of the Twilight books into a movie? (New Moon and Eclipse and Breaking Dawn)? I hope they are!!
Best answer:
Answer by FletcherThey probably are.. obviously, you know… Continue reading
Q&A: Are they going to make movies for all the twilight books?
Question by Emily: Are they going to make movies for all the twilight books? so i just saw the new twilight movie! it was so totally amazing! i was just wondering if there was going to be movies for… Continue reading
For People who haven’t read the Twilight books, what do you think of New Moon the movie?
Question by SugarHigh: For People who haven’t read the Twilight books, what do you think of New Moon the movie? would you watch it again? or does it make you want to read the book?
Best answer:
Answer by… Continue reading
Q&A: Are they making another movie from CS Lewis’ books? If so when will it be out?
Question by cldb730: Are they making another movie from CS Lewis’ books? If so when will it be out? I really liked the Chronicles of Narnia. I’ve heard they are going to make more movies like it. When is… Continue reading
Making books is fun! (to watch)
Back before inkjets, printing was a time-comsuming laborious process, that took teams of people working together to produce just one book. Now days, any crabby person can sit at home and crank out stuff on a blog or even make… Continue reading