
Are they going to make all four twilight saga books a movie?

Question by Jennyw2: Are they going to make all four twilight saga books a movie? I mean i know they are making new moon but will they continue on to eclipse and breaking dawn!

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Answer by Gabriel… Continue reading

Q&A: What do DC and Marvel (comics) make more money from: the sale of Comic Books, movie rights, or merchandise?

by jason0x21

Question by MANITOBA SMITH: What do DC and Marvel (comics) make more money from: the sale of Comic Books, movie rights, or merchandise? All three of these areas are obviously ongoing money makers for them.

But do… Continue reading

Does anyone know if they are making movies for all the Twilight books?

Question by choclate_lvr96: Does anyone know if they are making movies for all the Twilight books? I’ve heard they are, but I’m not sure. I really hope they do because the 4th book is so good!

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Should I see the movie Twilight after reading all of the books?

by HannaPritchett

Question by Che-Che: Should I see the movie Twilight after reading all of the books? Okay so my deal is that I read all four books in the Twilight saga and absolutely loved them. They seriously sucked… Continue reading

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