
are they ever going to finish making certain books into movies?

by CC Chapman

Question by DoN’t_JuDgE_mE: are they ever going to finish making certain books into movies? are they ever going to finish making the following book series into movies?: the remaining 5 “Narnia” books, the remaining 10 “series… Continue reading

Q&A: Are they making a movie for all four Twilight Saga Books?

Question by Me: Are they making a movie for all four Twilight Saga Books? Are Summit Pictures making a movie for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn too?

Best answer:

Answer by someonee(:maybe not breaking dawn because the graphics might… Continue reading

Are they making the books Cherub into a movie?

Question by Lissa Dragomir (:: Are they making the books Cherub into a movie? i love these books and i think it would awesome if these were created into a movie

Best answer:

Answer by iStlYrSmileBbyAccording to Wiki,… Continue reading

Are they combining the books New Moon and Eclipse together in 1 movie?

by Falcifer (Ben)

Question by Marv M: Are they combining the books New Moon and Eclipse together in 1 movie? instead of making 4 movies per book, are they combining new moon and eclipse, and then making breakind dawn.… Continue reading

Paperbacking silk for binding books

this video is made from 40 second clips taken with my nikon still camera. I will be posting a series on production techniques for hand binders. This is the first video. A full description of this innovative technique for paperbacking… Continue reading

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