How ‘Undercover Boss’ is improving DirecTV
Reflections on the D40, D5000 & D90 Image by ernestkoe Date Posted: July 11, 2009 Last Updated: August 7, 2009
The Acosta Bridge, Jacksonville, FL
This bridge was shot with my a refurb D90 coupled with my beloved Nikon… Continue reading
Boss Battle 1, Guard Scorpion, Final Fantasy VII 7 (FF7) ファイナルファンタジーVII
Boss Battle 1, Guard Scorpion,Final Fantasy VII 7 (FF7) ファイナルファンタジーVII — Cloud Strife, and Barret Wallace of a group called AVALANCHE, attempt to bomb Reactor 1 in Midgar. Unfortunately for them, a guardian robot steps forth to attack our heroes.… Continue reading