I’m looking for a movie: Four business men volunteer to become homeless to see who can make it the best.?
Question by Mr_Elusive: I’m looking for a movie: Four business men volunteer to become homeless to see who can make it the best.? like the title says…. It came out in the early 2000’s maybe around… Continue reading
Q&A: How do you get into movies, show business?
Question by Bear Chanez: How do you get into movies, show business? I was thinking and how do people get into movies then end up making it big? i know good acting/comedy and such are what do it but… Continue reading
Lastest Movie Making Business News
Behind the increase: Why Netflix is raising prices Why is Netflix raising its prices? In part, because the company miscalculated how many people still want to receive DVDs by mail each month, a more expensive service to provide compared with… Continue reading
Lastest Movie Making Business News
Inspired by Hollywood, Bollywood flirts with technology MUMBAI (Reuters Life!) – Don’t look for an Indian “Avatar” anytime soon, but Bollywood, inspired by the success of blockbusters such as “Transformers,” is starting to take special effects seriously. Read more on… Continue reading