How would I get into the film business?
Question by : How would I get into the film business? Okay so when I graduate I want to become a film director/producer. I have had little experience apart from making home movies etc. My GSCE’s consist of… Continue reading
Q&A: How can i help my kids get in the entertainment Business?
Question by lucy: How can i help my kids get in the entertainment Business? My 7 year old son and my 11 year old daughter want to be actors they love… Continue reading
Hypothetical situation: A private business buys itself from its owner, what happens?
Question by Star F: Hypothetical situation: A private business buys itself from its owner, what happens? Let’s say there’s business A. The owner of the business A has his personal finances seperate from the business. There… Continue reading
Making Money in Music Business?
Question by Josiah Mora: Making Money in Music Business? hey, So I’m an audio engineer that works independently from my home studio. I recently thought, “hey i wonder if i can make enough money with this to quit my… Continue reading
Q&A: Home business deduction tax help please. Big Thanks!?
Question by FU HA: Home business deduction tax help please. Big Thanks!? I don’t get it I made 30g gross/yr at my day job. I had like 4-5g taken out in taxes for the year. I am… Continue reading