
Q&A: Did Universal International ever produce a move in the 50’s called The Race To Space?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by : Did Universal International ever produce a move in the 50’s called The Race To Space? I have a vintage movie poster from the 1950’s and I can tell the poster is really old, yet… Continue reading

step brothers movie what is the song when the movie starts called?

by Al_HikesAZ

Question by christine m: step brothers movie what is the song when the movie starts called? i thought the kids the kids wanna make a scene

i think those are some of the lyrics?

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

What is the board they use when making movies called?

by coconut wireless

Question by ThatNeonSquirrel: What is the board they use when making movies called? What is the board that they use when filming movies called? You know the one that states “scene one, take two. “title goes… Continue reading

How long do you think it will be until someone makes a movie called “The Godfather Part IV in 3D”?

Question by : How long do you think it will be until someone makes a movie called “The Godfather Part IV in 3D”? And who do you think will direct it?

Best answer:

Answer by TorsteinWhat evidence do we… Continue reading

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