
Halle puts motherhood before career

Halle puts motherhood before career Actress Halle Berry, who recently dropped out of ‘New Year’s Eve’ due to a custody battle with former partner, Gabriel Aubry, has said that motherhood always takes priority over her acting career. Read more on… Continue reading

Q&A: I want to make a career out of filming and editing skate videos. Help?

Question by Ajari: I want to make a career out of filming and editing skate videos. Help? What is this job called? I mean if theres a name for it. Where do I start? I’m planning on going to… Continue reading

What are good,well paying career choices for someone who like to make movies and videos?

Question by Boobo S: What are good,well paying career choices for someone who like to make movies and videos? i really like making movies and documentaries but i dont really know a good career for it that pays well.… Continue reading

Help with acting career decision, please?

Question by Eagles: Help with acting career decision, please? I have recently graduated high school and am currently attending college. The problem is, I just don’t feel like this is the right path for me. I have thought of… Continue reading

Q&A: how well does a career in the entertainment arts pay?

Question by Shadow Moses: how well does a career in the entertainment arts pay? I want to get into entertainment arts industry ( cartooning, video games, movie making, comics etc) but i does it pay well? Can i achieve… Continue reading

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