RCT for Dummies-Making roads With Moving Cars
Welcome to my first tutorial.In this tutorial I will show you how to make a simple good looking road with moving cars for videos.The cars are for making videos. Enjoy.I hope this Helps.
making smores the retard way Video Rating: 1 / 5
Cars as art displayed at Gadsden
Cars as art displayed at Gadsden Art usually isn’t thought as being mobile, and certainly not anything on four wheels Read more on Douglas Dispatch
Good morning, Buffalo Sunny skies and cooler temperatures will prevail , with a high temperature… Continue reading
“Court Is In Session” ~ Cars ~ [[Sally dub-ready]]
Ok… this is meh 3rd dub-ready? Oh man… Well,I can’ t take all the credit… my sister (www.youtube.com helped me out a bit 🙂 I noticed there is NO Cars fandub ready videos, so I made one 😀 It’s not… Continue reading