
Do magazine influence teens to look a certain way or see certain movies?

by Ken Lund

Question by closetpoet89: Do magazine influence teens to look a certain way or see certain movies? Do magazines make you think, feel or want to be better than what you are? What magazines make you see… Continue reading

Is there a site for romanji scripts of certain Japanese movies?

by Kmeron

Question by _coldhands_: Is there a site for romanji scripts of certain Japanese movies? I was wondering where to find a script of a certain movie in romanji. I looked all over the web but all I’ve… Continue reading

is there a website where i can give suggestions to directors about making a certain type of movie?

by Paul Mayne

Question by Metrakaba: is there a website where i can give suggestions to directors about making a certain type of movie? if you have an idea for a movie that no one has come up with… Continue reading

are they ever going to finish making certain books into movies?

by CC Chapman

Question by DoN’t_JuDgE_mE: are they ever going to finish making certain books into movies? are they ever going to finish making the following book series into movies?: the remaining 5 “Narnia” books, the remaining 10 “series… Continue reading

Culturally Speaking: Do certain movies make you want to stay away from the places they were filmed?

Question by ~Wifey~: Culturally Speaking: Do certain movies make you want to stay away from the places they were filmed? I’m not sure that it was filmed in a foreign place, but I’ve just seen a movie called “Train”.… Continue reading

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