How do you change the duration time on windows movie maker?
Question by : How do you change the duration time on windows movie maker? I’m trying to make a stop motion video and i want to change the duration time but i don’t know how! Please help me!… Continue reading
How could they change new moon for the movie? And get rid of the actor for Jacob?
Question by Lucy: How could they change new moon for the movie? And get rid of the actor for Jacob? One what could you take out for new moon. edward has to leave, there has to be the danger… Continue reading
How do I change the lighting of my gaia online house?
Question by Ryan: How do I change the lighting of my gaia online house? How do i change the lighting on my house on gaia online? I want to make it so i can make it dark… Continue reading
I can’t change my video clips to a compatible file type??
Question by badgirlz106: I can’t change my video clips to a compatible file type?? I downloaded some pics and video clips from my digital camera. The video clips coverted to .mov files for quicktime. And now I want to… Continue reading
What is ONE thing that you would change about one of your favorite movies to make it better?
Question by Kevin The Movie Maniac: What is ONE thing that you would change about one of your favorite movies to make it better? Could be anything, take away a certain scene, recast someone, etc. Get creative.… Continue reading