im making a short movie on the book the handmaids tale for my ap lit class and don’t know what songs to put in?

Question by : im making a short movie on the book the handmaids tale for my ap lit class and don’t know what songs to put in? i want songs that will really express the themes of the book. any… Continue reading

i cant decide what to make in art class?

by Ric e Ette

Question by James T: i cant decide what to make in art class? i need to make a head of a celeb or a movie monster out of clay. Any sugestions?

Best answer:

Answer by… Continue reading

i had to make a Movie for class?

by David d’O

Question by punkrooster1210: i had to make a Movie for class? can you watch it and tell me what you think? its not that long. thanks! PS its unrealistic on purpose so please dont go “well… Continue reading

The generosity and class of Ric Flair?

Question by Extreme Phenom: The generosity and class of Ric Flair? Your really have to give it up for this man. He has just finished a legacy composed of 39 great years and you really have to applaud the… Continue reading

a guy in my class is making me uncomfortable?

Question by Melani W: a guy in my class is making me uncomfortable? well, i’m taking a course and in my class there’s a guy i find somehow attractive, he fancies me too we never spoke that much but… Continue reading

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