
Noir Comic Tutorial (Part 3)

Create a film noir style comic reminiscent of the work of Frank Miller (Sin City) using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Do I need to read Watchmen comic books before seeing the movie?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by UserJoe9: Do I need to read Watchmen comic books before seeing the movie? Dune is a movie that you have to read the book in order to make sense of it. Does Watchmen fall… Continue reading

Do I need to read Watchmen comic books before seeing the movie?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by UserJoe9: Do I need to read Watchmen comic books before seeing the movie? Dune is a movie that you have to read the book in order to make sense of it. Does Watchmen fall… Continue reading

Octopus Pie comic #121

Read the comic at UPDATE – FAQ The music track is “Atlas” by Battles. This footage is sped up from apprx. 4 hours (though along with brainstorming and initial thumbnails, it took closer to 6). I’m drawing the strip… Continue reading

Do I need to read Watchmen comic books before seeing the movie?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by UserJoe9: Do I need to read Watchmen comic books before seeing the movie? Dune is a movie that you have to read the book in order to make sense of it. Does Watchmen fall… Continue reading

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