Khmer Pride 3 on Thai Commercial
Thais called Khmer beggars, Khmer Sex Slaves, Khmer Naggers, BUTThais dont mind to steal Khmer Pride such as Khmer Angkor Wat and built on Thai Royal Palace. Thais dont mind to steal Khmer Preah Vihear and called Thai Park Prah… Continue reading
how to make a proffessional commercial movie set?
Question by jay: how to make a proffessional commercial movie set? im a novice director/writer for commercials. and i am in a commercial making contest for a company. does anyone have any tips on how to make… Continue reading
Q&A: I have to write a script to a commercial advertising a mineral for chemistry class, any ideas? PLEASE HEP!?
Question by hello.: I have to write a script to a commercial advertising a mineral for chemistry class, any ideas? PLEASE HEP!? It’s due tomorrow. I have to write a script for a commercial trying to sell Magnetite (a… Continue reading
Old Spice Commercial ft Bruce Campbell
Old Spice commercial starring Bruce Campbell
College Education & Writing Tips : How to Write a Script for a Radio Commercial
When writing a script for a radio commercial, remember that there are no visuals, so sound effects and audio stimulation need to be maximized. Write a radio commercial script and get good actors to read it withtips from a playwright… Continue reading